IB18: CBS: Please Slow Down, Luke George

IB18: CBS: Please Slow Down, Luke George


18:00 - 21:00


CBS Gallery
63 Blundell Street, Liverpool, L1 0AJ, Liverpool

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CBS: Please Slow Down, Luke George

Private view 06/07/18 6- 9pm

Open by appointment until 27/07/18

CBS Presents ‘Please Slow Down’ a solo exhibition from Liverpool based artist and CBS graduate resident, Luke George.

Luke’s large-scale painted works are the produce of a time-intensive, cumulative process of mark-making.

The works find anchorages in colour and a balance between abstract and recognisable imagery; minimalism and excess.

‘The canvases acquire paint like chewing gum might acquire gravel.’


63 Blundell St, Liverpool L1 0AJ