the vegan cannibal creature show
creations by karen henley
Starting this week we have another new exhibition for your eyes with a collection of creations by Karen Henley,
Please come along on Thursday 3rd November for the private view from 7-8:30pm. Have a look around at the artwork whilst sipping a beverage in the wonderful atmosphere at the egg.
The exhibition runs until 11th December if you can’t make the opening night
The vegan cannibal creature show…
They aren’t supposed to be scary, although I know some find them this way. Maybe they are just satirical looks on the world of greed, consumption and stabbing people in the backs with carrots. Maybe they are just little creatures minding their own business.
They originated from a doodle on some paper, not quite sure what part of my mind they came from. This has led to different ways of bringing them to life from using paintings people give me or things I found in the market that needed some love and a sprucing up before they end up being thrown into landfill. Kind of repurposed painting. Rest assured I don’t see life like this, it’s only when I sit down with them in mind that they come to the forefront wanting their lives to be realised in their lands of make believe. Think of them what you will, I think they might be like Marmite, love them or hate them. Time will tell.
I also love to draw maps and people and also making things from interesting things thrown away or found. Always tinkering and thinking about something to make and create in this little explosive head of mine, sometimes with the ‘help’ of my two cats. Using nature and the outdoors to inspire and guide me.