FACT: dot-art: Image Editing 101 for Artists

FACT: dot-art: Image Editing 101 for Artists


11:30 - 17:00


88 Wood Street, Liverpool, L1 4DQ, Liverpool

Event Type

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BOOK HERE: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/image-editing-101-for-artists-tickets-84731818149

If you’re an artist or photographer, you will at some point need to edit high quality images of your work; whether to create an edition of prints, apply for an exhibition or even to put up onto your social media profile.

This intensive one day workshop, with professional photographer and tutor Mark Reeves, will help to dispel your fear of editing image files.

***To avoid a booking fee and pay by card, cheque or cash, please contact dot-art Services directly on 0345 017 6660***

Sunday 15 March 2020, 11:30am – 5pm (£50 for 1 day course)


This course will provide a comprehensive guide for artists who need to photograph their work and then share or publish their image files for promotional purposes. The course will work from basics and will cover:• Tips for successfully photographing 2D and 3D work• Basic adjustments to improve the photographs of your work• Understanding file sizes and resolution• Understanding file types• Resizing images• Cropping images• Choosing the best file size and file type for different purposes • Sending and sharing image files

The course will include taught content and practical exercises.In order to take part in this course participants must:

• Know how to open and save files on their computer or tablet• Bring (and know how to use) a laptop or iPad.

Tutor: Mark Reeves

The tutor is Wirral-based photographer Mark Reeves. Mark has been a photographer for many years, having worked with both film and digital processes. He has worked as a photo-journalist with work published in national newspapers and specialist magazines. He holds the Associateship distinction from the Royal Photographic Society and he regularly exhibits and sells his work at a range of different galleries.


Winter Programme 2020:

Sunday 15 March, 11:30am – 5pm


£50 for 1 day course


Attendees must bring their own laptop or tablet, with images saved and ready to edit.

Most laptops and tablets will have their own editing software (Preview), however if you wish to download a free application such as VSCO or Adobe Photoshop Fix, or even invest in a more advanced package such as Lightroom, you are very welcome to.

Your tutor will be able to advise you on what may be best for editing your work during the workshop.


FACT Liverpool

88 Wood Street,

L1 4DQ



There are a maximum of 15 places available on each session, so early booking is essential.

To avoid a booking fee and pay by card, cheque or cash, please contact dot-art Services directly on 0345 017 6660.