“Rise up and abandon the creeping meatball! Come all you rebels, youth spirits, rock minstrels, truth seekers, peacock freaks, poets, barricade jumpers, dancers, lovers and artists”. (STATEMENT FROM YIP, 1968)
Created, curated and conjured by John Hyatt
May 10th – 13th 2018
Liverpool’s Fabric District
From May 1968 to May 2018
From Sit-ins to Student Debt
From Black Power to Black Panther
From the Cold War to Code War
From Flower Power to Global Warming
From Revolution to Ethics
From I’m Backing Britain to Brexit
From North Vietnam to North Korea
From Civil Rights to Social Media
From Apple Records to Apple Music
From Prague Spring to Putin
From Women’s Lib to #MeToo
From The Troubles to Hard Border
From LSD to AR/VR
From Richard Nixon to Donald Trump
From Earthrise to Mars Colonies
John Hyatt presents an ART Labs/ Liverpool School of Art and Design/ Faculty of Arts, Professional and Social Studies, Liverpool John Moores University civic festival in collaboration with the people, organisations and businesses of Liverpool’s Fabric District and the great world beyond.
Exhibitions & Events below, but full details can be found here: http://timetunnel.johnhyatt.co.uk/
At the Tapestry Gallery…
The Gift of John Heartfield
The Tapestry Gallery, 3rd Floor, 68-76 Kempston St, Liverpool L3 8HL
Open 11.00 am – 6.00 pm
In 1968, the students of Liverpool School of Art and Design invited German artist, John Heartfield, to speak here. In return he gifted this complete set of his pre-WW2 anti-Nazi photomontage posters. Seen here for the first time.
John Heartfield was one of the founders of the Berlin Dada group in 1918. He went on to invent the technique of photomontage, cutting up otherwise waste photographs and reassembling them with glue to make new artworks. In 1968, ten years after John Lennon was in his first year at Liverpool School of Art and Design, students around the western world were revolting, our art students invited the German artist to Liverpool to speak about his photomontage work. In return, in 1976, his widow gave the Art School a gift of a complete set of his ground-breaking posters. They have hidden unseen ever since in the Liverpool John Moores University library archives until today. John Hyatt, re-curates and represents an exhibition of this powerful political work – an exhibition originally compiled in Communist East Germany and with a subtle Cold War Eastern Bloc orientation.
A public talk will take place at the Walker Art Gallery (see events): John J. Heartfield, John Heartfield’s grandson, will talk about his grandfather’s work and his memories of him. This will be the first time John J. Heartfield will have spoken in Britain.
History of the Scottie Press
With co-curator Joel Hansen
The Tapestry Gallery, 3rd Floor, 68-76 Kempston St, Liverpool L3 8HL
Open 11.00 am – 6.00 pm
The Scottie Press archive seen for the first time. A blow-by-blow story of a Liverpool community dealing with historical, social change and urban planning.
Th Scottie Press is a community newspaper that covers the last fifty years. Curated by John Hyatt working with Joel Hansen of the Scottie Press, this will be the first time its archive has been displayed as an exhibition. Its history shows a marvellous timeline of the development of Scotland Road, its trials and tribulations. It is a blowby-blow story of a Liverpool community dealing with historical, social change and urban planning. Including also the film, Us and Them (1979), by Peter Leeson and the book, Goodbye Scotland Rd., The Bluecoat Press (2008), the exhibition reveals an arcing timeline of Liverpool stories across five decades which will continue from this exhibition into the future as The Scottie Press goes digital.
A Gap in the Media where the Truth Shone Through
I.C. Rapoport
The Tapestry Gallery, 3rd Floor, 68-76 Kempston St, Liverpool L3 8HL
Open 11.00 am – 6.00 pm
Chuck Rapoport photographed the Kennedys, Marilyn, and Castro for Life, Paris Match, and Time. Exhibiting as-yet-unseen Rapoport photographs from 1968.
Throughout the Sixties, I.C. Rapoport photographed the Kennedys, Marilyn, Castro,
Truffaut, Beckett, Aznavour, and The Lovin’ Spoonful for Life Magazine, Paris Match,
Time Magazine, and Sports Illustrated. However, no subject touched Chuck Rapoport more than documenting the aftermath of the Welsh Aberfan Tragedy of 1966.
John Hyatt curates a world premiere of five previously unexhibited and unpublished Rapoport photographs from 1968 of an everyday morning at a kiosk in New York made extraordinary by the newspaper headline, ‘WORST WEEK 543 GIs DIE’, announcing how many troops had been killed in Vietnam that week, sparking nationwide protests against the US policy of war in Vietnam. A quiet morning when media censorship slipped and the Truth shone through.
Chuck Rapoport will be visiting to talk about photography and his photographs in a public talk and conversation (see events)
The White Space: 50th Anniversary of The Beatles’ White Album
Co-curator James Thomas
The Tapestry Gallery, 3rd Floor, 68-76 Kempston St, Liverpool L3 8HL
Open 11.00 am – 6.00 pm
On 22 November 1968, The Beatles released The White Album. The exhibition makes particular reference to the artwork and ephemera and The Beatles’ sideprojects of 1968.
On 22 November 1968, The Beatles released what has commonly become known as The White Album. The album is infused with influences in both the songs and artwork. It marks the second collaboration between The Beatles and the art world, a fusing of art and popular culture. The White Album and its predecessor Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band set a benchmark in album cover design and presentation.
The White Space studies The Beatles as an evolving band, the transitions from
Beatlemania to Psychedelia and then Minimalism through The White Album. Press clippings, posters, magazines and rarely seen documents from Apple Records. The space will feature music from The White Album and explore the creation of the album from the influences of Maharishi and Ravi Shankar and also commemorate John Lennon’s partnership with Yoko Ono and the first Unfinished Music album, the Yellow Submarine film and album, as well as George Harrison’s soundtrack album Wonderwall Music.
A catalogue will be available in the exhibition space and in the blog section of mergecontemporaryart.com. This exhibition draws upon Paul McCartney: Many Years from Now – The Barry Miles Archive, a vast resource held at the Liverpool John Moores University Archives and Special Collections.
At the YPG Gallery…
The Tabloid and The Truth
Anthony Donovan
The YPG Gallery,
Open 11.00 am – 6.00 pm
New digital caricatures and shocking montages that comment upon contemporary international politics.
A new series created especially for this Festival in a city which banned The S*n tabloid for its reportage of Hillsborough in 1989, when under its headline ‘The Truth’ it outrageously accused Liverpool fans of urinating on police and pickpocketing dead victims. Anthony creates weird, twisted portraits of hidden monstrous creatures that emerge from inside daily media images to stalk the bloody fields of representation.
This work is conceived in the British tradition of political printmaking harking back to James Gillray and George Cruickshank of the early 1800s. In their form, they are in the tradition of Dada and call back to John Heartfield’s groundbreaking montages, featured in the sister exhibition. Donovan uses the Brechtian conceit of aping the front page of a tabloid, allowing hard-hitting imagery with powerful prose. The serial repetition works to add to the strength of the work.
GIRLFANS: Untold Stories
Jacqui McAssey
The YPG Gallery,
Open 11.00 am – 6.00 pm
Investigation of the lives of women through photography and the traditional fanzine form to give female football fans visibility, a voice and a sense of belonging in football culture.
Football in 1968 was altogether a testosterone-fuelled sport and culture. George Best, following Man United’s success in the European Cup, captivated the tabloids as a womanising, hard-drinking, partygoer. In fifty years, some things in football haven’t changed too much – Man City won the 68 League – but Jacqui McAssey’s GIRLFANS research project asks ‘What has changed?’ and plays a proactive role in challenging the gender stereotypes around football to readdress the position of women in the history of the game. GIRLFANS: investigates the lives of real women through photography and the traditional fanzine form to give female football fans visibility, a voice and a sense of belonging in football culture. GIRLFANS disrupts the narrative surrounding female fan culture, past and present
You can see an interview with Jacqui here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zV9xjVdDV4&index=13&list=PLISuFiQTdKDVei33_g7JTaglLk4lgANxS
Teenage Rampage – from ‘68 to ‘86
David Moss
The YPG Gallery,
Open 11.00 am – 6.00 pm
A personal autobiographical series of ’68 inspired watercolours.
Artist/Musician, David Moss, has made a series of ’68-inspired watercolours, seen here for the first time. He says, “May 68 is, for me, a trigonometrical station on the map of my disposition, the map of a child’s fascination with the glamour of revolt. These paintings are that fascination adrift. George Best was the Che Guevara of
British football, an after-image who leapt over the partisan barricades, like The
Beatles before him. Wind me on to 1974 and The Sweet sang about youth in revolt in Teenage Rampage, and asked ‘where were you in 68?’ in The Six Teens. Then, as the first images of UK Punk hit the mass media the revolution was NOW. These images were situations, designed to explode a staid normality: Situationism inspired Malcolm McLaren, Vivienne Westwood, Jamie Reid and Bernie Rhodes. The young women who came through as artists and as living art were an influence and a confluence. The make-up and hairstyles of Jordan and Soo Catwoman; and the wailing, moving image of Ari Up were images of their own design. I didn’t feel a difference between the punks and the glam rockers who came before, I just sensed something exciting and different and I wanted to be a part of that. None of it made any sense to me: it was a glamour.”
1968 and Other Myths
Magnus Quaife
The YPG Gallery,
Open 11.00 am – 6.00 pm
Watercolour painting has provided a way of extracting May 1968 images from photographic and digital media circulation, allowing a different kind of focus in time.
The effects of images reverberate for decades through our collective psyche. Familiar images re-circulate, silently accruing meaning and attaining mythical characteristics. Quaife’s work emerged from a consideration of the power of the image in cultural myths, events or moments such as May ’68. There have been few events that have reverberated so strongly and yet, as Gilles Deleuze argued, “May ’68 did not take place” – it is possible to think of it as a non event
For Quaife, watercolour painting has provided a way of extracting images from this media circulation, allowing a different kind of focus in time: the act of painting has a different making time and thinking time to that of photography and the media and, as paintings, they are made again as something new in a different era fifty years in their future.
Interruptions #5
Matt Johnson
The YPG Gallery,
Open 11.00 am – 6.00 pm
A photographic contrast to the nostalgia for historical protest movements and the foreclosure of any reasonable debate on contemporary activism within the control society.
Johnson offers a contrast to the nostalgia for historical protest movements and the foreclosure of any reasonable debate on contemporary activism within the control society. A long sequence of still images taken from witness footage filmed in London during the riots of August 2011 are interrupted by other image fragments relating to the attempted framing of the riots in the media. Johnson questions the autopositioning of the mediated terms and significance of these events, and the way that representation is always a redaction and a tidying of the messy, spontaneous performance of the everyday, whether that was protest in Paris 1968, Toxteth 1981, or London 2011.
The Try & Lilly Archive
With co-curator Margaret Appleby
YPG Gallery
Open 11.00 am – 6.00 pm
This incredible display shows in an immediate and spectacular manner, the history of one of Liverpool’s oldest but littlest-known companies, Try & Lilly Ltd.
When any students’ protests, whether protesting about Vietnam or any other aspect of “The Establishment”, might have needed police regulation in 1968, the police headgear would have no doubt been made in the Fabric District where it has been for a hundred years
Try & Lilly Ltd. continue to make the world’s caps and helmets at 95 Kempston St, Liverpool L3 8HE. Curated with fashion businesswoman and MA Fashion, Innovation and Realisation student at LJMU, Margaret Appleby, this incredible display shows in an immediate and spectacular manner, the history of one of Liverpool’s oldest but littlest-known companies.
Revisiting Paris, May 1968 – Opening the Archive
With co-curator Professor Colin Fallows of Liverpool School of Art and Design, LJMU
Liverpool John Moores University, The Aldham Robarts Learning Resource Centre, 29 Maryland St, Liverpool L1 9D
Open Friday 11th 5.00pm – 7.00 pm
Saturday 12th, 10.00 am – 12 noon and 2.00 pm -4.00 pm
Sunday 13th 2.00 pm – 4.00 pm
A rare opportunity to view original documents, posters and artefacts relating to the May 1968 riots and the influential Situationist International group.
A rare opportunity to view original documents, posters and artefacts relating to the May 1968 riots and the influential Situationist International group. A special opening of the John McCready Archive at Liverpool John Moores University. The Archive is graphically interesting as well as historically significant. The Situationist International aimed to transform art and everyday life through the breakdown of traditional divisions between artists and consumers and the total integration of cultural production. They devised a variety of new techniques and activities – including detournement, psychogeography and the derive – which attempted to provoke individuals into actively engaging with both their own bodies and the city environment. The items on display from the John McCready Archive bring these ideas sharply into focus fifty years on and demonstrate how they still resonate toda
Colin Fallows will be in Conversation with John McCready (TBC)
Visual Cortex
Artists of the Brain Charity
With co-curator Nanette Mellor
The Brain Charity
Open 9.00 am – 5.00 pm 11th May
An exhibition of artworks produced by people with neurological conditions.
In May 1968 ‘People First’ was born. The original campaign group led by people with a learning disability. They demanded independence after years of institutionalisation. They demanded to have a voice. Today, that voice is being expressed through art as well as speech: an exhibition of artworks produced by Liverpool people with neurological conditions.
Public Art
The Fabric District and particularly Gildart Street has been turned into an open air art gallery.
John Lennon and the Student Sit-in at Guildford School of Art
John Walmsley
Windows of The Liverpool John Moores University Tower, 24 Norton St, Merseyside, Liverpool L3 8P
24 hour viewing
The photographer, John Walmsley, was a photography student at Guildford School of Art and photographed the student sit-in of 1968.
The photographer, John Walmsley, was a photography student at Guildford School of Art and photographed the student sit-in of 1968. For this Festival we are so proud to present a large-scale blow-up of a photograph of students’ democracy in action and an iconic portrait of John Lennon speaking in support of the students and sacked staff when he and Yoko Ono visited the exhibition of staff work at a London gallery in December 1968.
John Walmsley photographs things that interest him. He is a passionate educationalist. His final year project on A.S.Neill’s democratic school, Summerhill, was published by Penguin Books in 1969. He had also taken the historic shot of Vanessa Redgrave, Tariq Ali and Richard Branson (1968 Grosvenor Square antiVietnam war demo) which was selected by Baroness Helena Kennedy to be one of a hundred pictures exhibited at the NPG to celebrate portraits of the millennium. John now has 9 photographs in the National Portrait Gallery’s Permanent Collection
John Walmsley will be visiting to talk about photography and his photographs in a public talk and conversation (see events)
Psychedelic Adventures of Clean Machine
John Hyatt and Thalia Styx
68-76 Kempston St, Liverpool L3 8HL
24 hour viewing
World premiere of 8 pseudo-psychedelic banner prints in a permanent outdoor street venue, Gildart Street Gallery
In Liverpool’s Fabric District, the outside walls of The Tapestry have been turned into a permanent outdoor gallery, Gildart Street Gallery, which will be showing a regular programme of works into the future. This inaugural exhibition is the world-first showing for 8 pseudo-psychedelic banner prints by Hyatt and Styx (AKA Aisling Davis). The works will also simultaneously be published as an eight-page feature, reminiscent of the feel of a classic 8-page comic strip, in the online journal, Stimulus Respond (http://www.stimulusrespond.com). Hyatt and Styx were inspired by the late Sixties movie Fantastic Voyage, starring Raquel Welch, about a scientist dying of a blood clot whose only chance for survival is for five colleagues to be miniaturized in a ship, Proteus, and injected into his bloodstream just as Hyatt and Styx’ Psychedelic Adventures of Clean Machine injects hope into the mainstream body of art.
Alan Dunn and Collaborators
A sound collage for Tannoys featuring street recordings and slogans.
24 hour
Sound projection Gildart Street, Liverpool L3 8HL
In Paris in May 1968 Vangelis left his studio to gather streets’ sounds while, at the end of the month, The Beatles began work on their landmark assemblage Revolution 9. Fifty years on, Alan Dunn’s MA/68 revisits these with a sound collage for Tannoys featuring street recordings and slogans from Je suis Charlie, Welcome to the Dark Ages, The Pop Group, Aston Academy, The Band of Holy Joy, Louis Malle’s Milou
en Mai, Marijampole Capital of Culture event, International Women’s Day, Northern Film School and art students from Leeds Beckett University, University of Central Lancashire, Wirral Metropolitan College and Liverpool John Moores University.
Contributors: Alex Ashcroft, BAD PUNK: James Stephen Finn and Johny Brown,
Dinah Bird, Cathy Butterworth, Clinic, Commoners Choir, Hannah Dargavel-Leafe,
Gintas K, Jason M Graham, Matt Green, Pete Greenwood, Christine Hinchliffe, Tom
Hobson & Rhianna Griffiths, John Hyatt, Marti Kikojan, linecrosscurve, Paul McConnachie, Ben Parry, radio continental drift, The Redmen TV, reg jula / jala quartet, Balam Ronan, Joaquin Ronco, Michelle Rowley with Suzy Chappell, Helon Conning, Louis Jeck Prestidge and Vincent Lavell, Mark Stewart, Valérie Vivancos, Chloe Watson-Gaukrodger, Jeff Young.
Barry the Barricade
John Hyatt and Bulky Bob’s
Gildart Stre
Saturday 12th May
11.00 – 6.00
Dismantling ceremony 6.0
A barricade of the unwanted recycled into Art to underline the barrier across the community that is Islington dual carriageway and raise awareness to end furniture poverty.
The Fabric District has been effectively cut off from its neighbouring regions by traffic with London Road on the one side and Islington dual carriageway on the other, which cuts off Everton from the city centre. The bike trail to the City Centre from Formby is sent back on itself by painted arrows on the roads either side of the traffic. In the spirit of May 1968 in Paris when the students and workers almost brought France to its knees, a barricade will be built to underline the barrier that is Islington. It is an aim of the Festival to reconnect the communities on either side of this road and to stitch Liverpool back together. There will be a symbolic community dismantling of Barry.
Bulky Bob’s is 30 in 2018! A registered charity and a social enterprise, as well as a professional, experienced waste management company, they have held the bulky household waste collection contract with Liverpool City Council for 18 years and use the furniture they collect to help local people. They give away furniture to people in furniture poverty; run a salaried training course to help people in poverty get sustainable employment; and run an End Furniture Poverty campaign working with partners to find out ways to ease it and raise awareness of the issues. They also offer confidential shredding and office recycling, as Bulky Bob’s Office & Commercial
Waste. Use them! 100% of the profits are reinvested back into helping to End Furniture Poverty. To find out more, visit www.bulkybobs.co.uk
50 Years of Graffiti: transforming the streets of the Fabric District
With Zapp Graffiti and Graffiti Artists
Walls of the Fabric District
24 hour viewingh
A small army of graffiti artists keep it real and transform the walls of the Fabric District.
When did graffiti start? That’s a matter of opinion. It could be said that the handprints of our cave dwelling ancestors were a form of graffiti or “I was here” marks. “Kilroy was here” was popular in World War II. The graffiti movement of modern times would look back to Philadelphia’s Cornbread, a high school student who started tagging city walls to attract a girl in 1967. The student protests and general strike of May 1968 saw Paris decorated in radical Situationist slogans such as L’ennui est contrerévolutionnaire (“Boredom is counterrevolutionary” – see the sister exhibition in The Tapestry). Whilst in the US, the Black Panther movement used graffiti to protest
Huey Newton’s arrest with “Free Huey” street artworks. Many years later in the 1980s, the underground – as so often happens – started to be brought into galleries to refresh the mainstream and artists like Banksy started fetching high prices.
During April 2018, a small army of graffiti artists keep it real and transform the walls of the Fabric District under the banner of Zap Graffiti’s Contrast Mural Festival. The results of their work celebrate 50 years of modern graffiti as a part of our Time Tunnel Festival and the official Launch of the Fabric District.
Revolutionary Nature
The children of Liverpool
Gildart Street, 1.00 – 5.00 pm Saturday 12th (if bad weather, inside The Tapestry)
The children of LIPA primary School and the work made by the children of Liverpool at the Friday event in The Brain Charity is on show.
The children of LIPA primary School and the work made by the children of Liverpool at the Friday event in The Brain Charity, Under the Grit the Garden (see Events), will be displayed on the railings of Gildart Street to add green and colour to the urban landscape.
Under the Grit the Garden With co-creator/curator Jayne Seddon
A collaborative drawing event free and open to the public.
10.00 – 12.00 on Saturday 12th
At the Brain Charity
Under the Grit the Garden is a Northern British adaptation of the famous 1968 Situationist slogan, Under the Cobblestones the Beach. The project is a collaboration between artist-in-residence at LIPA Primary School, Jayne Seddon, and the LIPA school children; ART Labs Research Centre and the Centre for Education Research at LJMU; National Museums Liverpool; Friends of St. James’s Gardens; and the Eden Project. The project responds to the LightNight theme of ‘Transformation’ and will continue for LightNight on the 18th. A wildflower garden is being created in The Oratory grounds next to the Anglican Cathedral. Planting began in March. The children have been drawing the garden and its growth as they create it, while learning about the cyclical time of natural systems, biodiversity and ecology, referenced back to Guy Debord’s Society of the Spectacle.
The process of documenting this transformation via drawing, with a focus upon thinking and learning through drawing, resonates with many thoughts around pedagogy and sustainability in education, with a focus upon connecting children with the natural world and the use of fine motor skills in their development and learning.
Revolutionary Nature will be a collaborative drawing event and exhibition for May 1968 Time Tunnel May 2018 Liverpool. We will celebrate the children’s observational drawings, made over Spring, with a workshop and display of drawing. Children and their parents will work and play with lead artist, Jayne Seddon, to create new large site responsive drawings. Join us, look at the drawings displayed, and collaborate in drawing, if you wish.
Threads of Life: Walk the Warp and the Weft
With David Haley
Saturday 12 May
11.00 to 12.30
Starting and ending at The Tapestry. All free.
Led by ecological artist, David Haley, this Knowledge Quarter urban wildlife walk will:
- Weave through the streets of the Fabric District
- Discover how to transform and ‘grow’ the city
- Question sustainable urban development
- Consider the potential for eco-urban aesthetics and ‘material culture’
- Experience social and environmental ecology in the making
- Seek out life support systems for capable future
MD Productions
11.00 – 3.00 Saturday 12th
The Tapestry
Established in 2001, MD Productions have built up a well-respected professional repertoire in the entertainment industry and are known in the city region for their open performing arts classes and community project “Blank Canvas”. MD Productions have relocated into the Fabric District to become part of our community and will run a free and open taster day of their classes for singing, acting, dancing, cooking, hair & beauty.
Open Day
DOeS Liverpool
The Tapestry – Saturday 12th May 10 3.00 – 5.00pm
Yes, Does Liverpool has moved into The Tapestry at the heart of Liverpool’s Fabric District. Come and visit and see all our facilities. Come and try things out!First and foremost DoES Liverpool is a community of people with a diverse range of skills and interests. By joining the DoES community you will get to mingle with entrepreneurs and company founders, artists and makers, developers and hardware engineers, academics and students (and many people that are less easy to label!). DoES Liverpool is a place: We are a co-working space. Desks are available to rent by the month or by the day. The DoES workshop is well equipped with a range of electronics equipment, 3D printers, laser cutters, vacuum former and CNC mill.
DoES Liverpool hosts events and this Open Day is one of them. Free and open to all.
DoES Liverpool is a company: We are a Community Interest Company. This means that any profit we make is fed back in to help the community make the space bigger, or buy more useful bits of kit.
Space, Time and Motherhood
Amy Russell and Fiona Stirling
Two artists and mothers occupy a space and investigate time with their children through performance art.
Occupation from Friday 11th through 12th (please call in) leads to a
Performance and Discussion 4.00 – 5.30 Saturday 12th
at the Brain Charity
Exploratory Phase and Painting Performance: Exploring the themes of space, time and motherhood, Amy and Fiona will occupy a room in the building with their children and make art at specific times in the day or evening. They will be painting, drawing and making marks on fabric, primed canvas and white garments; using lists and other organisational material as inspiration for the work. These paintings will inspire a painting performance influenced by Niki de Saint Phalle’s Shooting Paintings of the Sixties and Sarah Lucas’ more contemporary, One Thousand Eggs.
Their painting performance will involve soaking balls of tissue and toilet paper in paint and throwing them at the material, paintings, canvas, clothing and fabric that they have been exploring in the time and space allocated. They shall replicate the school and swimming bath rituals of their childhood, when as an act of rebellion they would soak tissues and toilet paper in water and launch them at the ceiling. Instead, they will soak them in paint. This act defiance mirrors Nike de Saint Phalle’s taking aim at everything she hated in the world. The public will have an opportunity to join in with this performance and make work with Amy, Fiona and the children.
A seminar session will be organised and the work will be presented to an invited audience. Aesthetics, as well as political issues will be discussed. Amy and Fiona intend that the project opens up a conversation with others in terms of the theme.
They will invite artists, some who are mothers, to engage in a dialogue (see the Events talks Programme).
For full details: http://timetunnel.johnhyatt.co.uk/
Sponsored by Liverpool John Moores University and FINSA
Supported by The Tapestry; YPG Developments; Try & Lilly Ltd; The Brain Charity; Abakhan; Fabrication Studio; Bulky Bob’s; MD Productions; DoES Liverpool; Scottie Press; Zapp Graffiti; LIPA Junior School; Walker Art Gallery, National Museums Liverpool; People First, Merseyside; Metal; MAKE; Writing on the Wall; Bluecoat; Bido Lito; Art in Liverpool; Bluecoat Gallery; CERES Centre for Education Research at LJMU; Friends of St. James’s Gardens; The Regenda Group; Northern Flowerhouse; Eden Project; University of Liverpool; Northern Flowerpowerhouse; (Liverpool John Moores University; Leeds Beckett University; Hope University; Manchester Metropolitan University; Salford University; Huddersfield University); AntiUniversity NOW, London; The Reeds Liverpool; Knowledge Quarter; Liverpool City Council.