Join us on Thursday 23rd November, 17:00 – 19:00 for the launch and private view of our new exhibition ‘The Liverpool Collection 2023’. Expect Carols by Scrapyard Choir, Mulled Wine and Mince Pies.
An exhibition by dot-art Artist Members.
Why do we love Liverpool? Well let us try and count the ways; The football? The Docks? The Victorian Sefton Park Palm House? The sky-scraping Royal Liver Building? Perhaps you are more in tune with the music down Matthew Street? Obsessed with the shops in Liverpool One? A foodie for the worldwide cuisine offered on Bold Street?
Or maybe you love what we show here at dot-art Gallery, the art!
Liverpool has always been packed with culture; home grown often, as we are sure you know. We support local artists to continue the beautiful ecology of the arts in the city and have done for 18 years and counting. This, our final exhibition of the year before we welcome in 2024, brings forth over 20 artistic voices capturing the parts of Liverpool they love and that seep into their creative practice.
All artwork is for sale.