dot-art at Hope Street Ltd: Oil Painting (Intermediate) with Richard Meaghan

dot-art at Hope Street Ltd: Oil Painting (Intermediate) with Richard Meaghan


5.10.15 - 27.10.15    
18:45 - 21:00


76 Lord Street
76 Lord Street, Liverpool, L1 1TL, Liverpool

Event Type

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Mondays from 5 October 2015

Oil Painting (Intermediate) with Richard Meaghan
Continue the process of exploring painting processes and practices, focusing on working with oils to complete your own personal project.

Suitable for those with some painting experience.
Tickets £160 for 10 classes.
Full details and booking here:

Hope Street Ltd
3rd Floor, 76 Lord Street (next to Specsavers), Liverpool, L1 1TL