DoES Liverpool: Liverpool Artists’ Network Meeting – ‘Presentations Special’

DoES Liverpool: Liverpool Artists’ Network Meeting – ‘Presentations Special’


18:30 - 20:30


The Tapestry
68-76 Kempston Street, Liverpool, L3 8HL, Liverpool

Event Type

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Liverpool Artists’ Network Meeting – ‘Presentations Special’, Wednesday 27th June at DoES, 6.30pm – 8.30pm

Venue details:  DoES Liverpool, 1st Floor, The Tapestry, 68-76 Kempston Street, Liverpool. L3 8HL.

Speakers at the LAN meetings usually talk about a project that they are working on or a project they want to start.  This is great! BUT, we also want to encourage speakers to come and present about themselves and their work, to say, this is who I am/what I do/what I think.

We’re hoping that many of you will want to speak, but as we don’t have all night…  we’re going to keep the presentations short and sweet.  The presentation format is slightly different from when we did it at the Bluecoat – you will be asked to show 10 images, each for 40 seconds. The images advance automatically and you talk along to the images.  So you get less than 7 minutes to do your presentation.

Other than the format of 10 slides and 40 seconds per slide, you can talk about whatever you want: your interests in general, work you have made in the past, exhibitions or projects you’ve been part of, specific themes that interest you, other artists who inspire you – whatever you think you need to say to connect with the kind of people who you want to link up with.  Remember, it’s mostly a visual experience, so choose some good images.

We have a limited number of spaces for the presentations, so if you would like to introduce Liverpool to your work, please email ASAP to let us know.  We’ll take names on a first come first served basis.

Following on from the presentations, there will be a short 10 minute break, for you to meet, mingle and grab a brew. We will be rounding up the evening by leaving a bit of time for the usual presentations, so if you want to mention an upcoming event/project idea (without using slides) just let us know.

And if you’ve got any questions at all just get in touch.  We look forward to seeing you there!