DaDaFest: International Congress, Skin:Deep

DaDaFest: International Congress, Skin:Deep


1.12.16 - 2.12.16    
09:30 - 16:30


Museum Of Liverpool
Pier Head, Liverpool Waterfront, Liverpool, L3 1DG, Liverpool

Event Type

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We are delighted to announce our second DaDaFest International Congress. This important two-day event will explore how the arts are delivered from artists and practitioners from across the globe, and how the context within which we operate makes for exhilarating, diverse, disruptive and radical arts work.

Disability and Deaf arts are currently on a very exciting journey, one we have been on for the last 40 years, but exciting because we are at last being noticed beyond the disability/Deaf arts sector.  There is now more open media exposure and responsiveness to the work created and a growing appreciation as to how we link, connect and challenge the making and creating of the arts in terms of form and practice.

Has Disability Arts as the ‘Last Avant Garde’ [Yinka Shonibare] now come of age?

For many years we have been silently changing the parameters of how we ’do’ arts, demonstrating fresh, unusual and diverse ways of making and creating work based from the lived experience of disability. We have been confidently spearheading new ways of moving the arts discourse on into unchartered and uncomfortable arenas of practice and presence: but now it is being noticed but is this is the right ways?

This Congress provides an opportunity to showcase examples of these changes, brought about by creativity and artistic excellence from the very practitioners in the UK and from across the globe, to share experiences, explain our thinking, to describe the processes which we hope will challenge us all, to think of new ways in how we work together across the arts, with all people, which in turn will embed diversity, social change and expose more people to cultural opportunities.

This congress is an important forum to bring neglected topics into public discourse: and highlight the massive contribution disability art makes to the enrichment of society: after all, disability is a human issue and happens to everyone.

Please stay tuned to this page for further updates and information. You can download the current programme here: Congress Programme

To book, please visit our Eventbrite page and select the ticket option you’d like. Alternatively, if you are unable to make payments over the internet please contact us or 0151 707 1733 to arrange for payment via Invoice.