Transmission Lifelines: Modern Slavery, Freedom and the ‘Waiting Place’
1st Jun 2018 – 5:00pm – 6:00pm – Book here
Despite the continuous increase of trafficking in the UK, there is limited understanding of the experiences and circumstances of trafficked individuals, and how service providers should best support their rehabilitation.
Existing studies with this population tend to reduce trafficked people’s multidimensional experiences to health issues. By classifying individuals as a function of conditions experienced due to trafficking, restricts our understanding of the complex realities faced by them. There is a need to establish the adverse health outcomes which follow trafficking. As well as a need for a more balanced and comprehensive representation of participants’ realities. This requires the consideration of individuals’ strengths as well as their areas of difficulties.
With view of addressing this gap in current understandings, this exhibition presents images created by survivors of trafficking and modern slavery as part of a participatory Arts-based research, conducted in collaboration with City Hearts (Liverpool).
These visual findings, accompanied by captions from participants’ narratives, are a reflection of how trafficked people chose to represent themselves as part of an ongoing study. The images offer new insights of participants’ sense of self and resilience that includes emotive and aesthetic qualities. Illuminating the process of integration and better visions for wellbeing, rehabilitation, freedom and equality post-trafficking identification.