Corke Art Gallery: Portraits Exhibition
Peter Philip is representational painter working mainly in oils who depicts subjects that are part of everyday life. Inspired by traditional classical paintings he paints contemporary subjects firmly establishing his compositions in the present day.
Clifford Sayer has always focussed on the figurative , very much influenced by Carravagio, Velasquez, El Greco, Picasso, Degas, Manet and Freud. In 2010 Clifford started the ‘Literalist’ painting movement, emphasising the meaning of painting for paintings sake, thereby the term ‘Literalism’ was born. This latest series of paintings celebrate natural light and form in a fresh and immediate style that
John Vesty celebrates the nude in an impressionistic style, touches of humour and some almost presented like slabs of bare flesh which resulted in the original exhibition of 21 paintings being banned because ‘council staff’ found it offensive because it featured older ladies naked or wearing just a hat! It’s hard to believe but it was in Cromer in Norfolk – see the press report in the Telegraph at https://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/art/7953429/Can-a-modest-nude-really-be-that-offensive.html – ‘Partial View’ the painting pictured in the press article is actually in the show and available for sale.
Simon Adam Yorke paints hyper-realistic portraits. In the Portraits show I have included his latest series ‘Bodhisattva’, featuring portraits created using traditional methods of ink painting, of people from all religions who have/had dedicated their lives to developing compassion. Also in the show are a collection of eight hyper-realistic paintings featuring holy people Simon met whilst in the Himalayas during a 5 month pilgrimage as well as three of his large scale ‘Nomad’ series portraits of people who are homeless. These have previously been exhibited across the country to raise money for homeless charities and hostels including the Royal Chapel at the Tower of London, Liverpool Cathedral, Sunderland Minster, and across St. Helens. Â