Live Dance Drawing / Music by Neil Campbell, Dancer Jenna Jungbluth, Artist Sarah Jane Richards
Sunday 30th July
2pm – 4pm
FREE/limited places
This event is part of The Drawing (Paper) Show.
This event gives you the chance to create drawings inspired by the movements of Jenna as she responds to Neils live music. These artists will create different shapes, layers and tempos through sounds and movement offering a liberating opportunity to enjoy and interpret the experience through drawing and mark making. No experience is necessary, this activity is focused on the enjoyment of drawing as a mindful and freeing experience. Sarah Jane Richards will be on hand to offer creative support if needed.Basic materials will be provided but you are invited to bring your own. Suggested materials include, but are not limited to large drawing surfaces and drawing materials that inspire you to make large loose marks.The event is FREE to attend but places are limited and must be booked in advance.
You can book HERE.
Musician – Neil Campbell, critically acclaimed multi-instrumentalist and composer neilcampbell.org.ukÂ
Dancer – Jenna Jungbluth, Contemporary dancer, Taciturn Dance Company www.taciturn.co.uk  @
Artist – Sarah Jane Richards, visual artist, drawing and painting. Art and wellbeing, art and the environment www.