Bridewell Studios & Gallery: Click Clack  [ Carriage Return ]  Hilary Judd and Lucy May Schofield

Bridewell Studios & Gallery: Click Clack  [ Carriage Return ]  Hilary Judd and Lucy May Schofield


13:00 - 16:00


Bridewell Studios and Gallery
101 Prescot Street, Liverpool, L7 8UL, Liverpool

Event Type

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Click Clack  [ Carriage Return ]  Hilary Judd and Lucy May Schofield
Saturday 22nd July
1pm – 4pm
FREE/Drop in

This event is part of The Drawing (Paper) Show.

You are invited to join Hilary Judd and Lucy May Schofield [ Carriage Return ] who make drawings using traditional typewriters. Hilary and Lucy will be on hand to demonstrate the use of their collection of typewriters as a tool for drawing. They will be sharing techniques and ideas –  You can follow their prompts or just freestyle! No experience necessary – All are welcome to this fun and accessible drawing activity.

Your drawing can be added to their ‘gallery’ or you can take it home with you. 

About [ Carriage Return ]

[ Carriage return ] is a correspondence in typewriter drawings between Hilary Judd @hils_o  & Lucy May Schofield  @lucymayschofield since 2018.

For more information about  [ Carriage return ] see @‌carriage_return.