Bridewell Studios and Gallery: Would you land an airplane there?

Bridewell Studios and Gallery: Would you land an airplane there?


16.5.24 - 21.5.24    
18:00 - 21:00


Bridewell Studios and Gallery
101 Prescot Street, Liverpool, L7 8UL, Liverpool

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Bridewell Studios and Gallery: Would you land an airplane there?
Susan Leask: New Sculptures
Opening Thursday 16 May from 6pm
Exhibition continues until 21 May
open daily (12-4pm)

Susan Leask presents a solo exhibition of new sculptures constructed from single-use discarded products, together with wall based, mixed media work. The exhibition has been co-curated with Jon Barraclough, drawer of drawings and co-publisher of Drawing Paper.

Susan’s interest in how forms and objects can be repurposed, moved her to create sculptures using medical packaging like polystyrene and polyurethane foam. Additional elements and materials are embedded within the structures; found objects, plastic, glass, card and wire.

The mixed-media works constructed from plywood and plaster are repurposed and reinvented from previous installations whilst found and reworked photographs and text are sliced up and added to the works. Reference points include Tarkovsky, Hammershoi and the Shetland poet Roseanne Watt.
