Bluecoat: Tonight at Noon: New Writing

Bluecoat: Tonight at Noon: New Writing


19:30 - 21:30


School Lane, Liverpool, L1 3BX, Liverpool

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Tonight at Noon: New Writing

The Mersey Sound, by Liverpool poets Adrian Henri, Roger McGough and Brian Patten, is one of the bestselling poetry anthologies of all time. First published in May 1967, it was resolutely urban and contemporary. Pop and popular, it made poetry more accessible and its impact has resonated with generations of writers and performers.

This poetry reading is part of Tonight at Noon, a series of events and exhibitions taking place across Liverpool to celebrate the 50th anniversary of The Mersey Sound. For it, five poets have been commissioned to create new pieces of work in response to the writing of Henri, McGough and Patten. Taking part are award winning poets Paul Farley, Deryn Rees-Jones, Eleanor Rees, Lizzie Nunnery and Andrew McMillan. They will be joined onstage by Brian Patten and Roger McGough.

Tickets: £10/£7

Full details of Tonight at Noon can be viewed here.

Tonight at Noon is part of 67-17: 50 Summers of Love.