The Grid Project
Sat 22 Apr – 11.00-4.00pm
Sun 23 Apr 2.00pm-4.00pm
A mass participation photography project led by photographer Dave Allen. Dave  will draw a grid over the city and highlight intersection points that become  locations for a photograph. Participants then get assigned a point on the grid,  and are sent off to photograph that point from any perspective they choose. All  images are collated and uploaded to create a photographic map of the city.
Everyone is invited to contribute using their smartphones, ipads or cameras. To  get involved, visit our base at Bluecoat on Saturday 22 April from 11.00am to find  out more. We will be talking about the project and handing out grid co-ordinates  during the morning, we will begin downloading images throughout the afternoon. The images will be assembled overnight and the projected the  following afternoon on Sunday 23 April.
To find out more and to book a free ticket please visit Bluecoat.