Bluecoat: fs presents Anna Barham

Bluecoat: fs presents Anna Barham


18:30 - 20:00


School Lane, Liverpool, L1 3BX, Liverpool

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fs presents Anna Barham

Thu, 07 Dec 2017 | 6.30 PM – 8.00 PM | Tickets: Free, booking advised

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Join us for an illustrated lecture by London based artist Anna Barham and hear her discuss recent works and projects in association with fs.

Anna Barham (b. 1974, UK) works with video, writing and live events, drawing on the productive slippages in language revealed as it moves between different bodies, forms and technologies. Her works are often housed in structures which choreograph the relationships between audiences, screens and speakers, emphasising the active, physical and provisional encounter between a text and its recipient.

fs is a free school running for 12 months in Liverpool. This is the first in a series of artist lectures as part of its ‘further studies’ programme, an evolving timetable of knowledge sharing activity developing in various locations around Liverpool and beyond, open for all to attend free of charge.

On Friday 8 Dec Anna will be available to meet with Liverpool-based artists for ‘feedback sessions’, critical one-on-one conversations in their studio’s about their work. Visit the fsliverpool website for details of how to sign up.

Book your ticket now.