Our In the Window spotlight exhibition for April features the intricate porcelain sculptures of Erum Aamir.
Formerly a physicist, now a ceramicist, Erum is intrigued by details of the botanical world and chooses to explore through the eye of a microscope. Under a microscope, nature reveals its wonders differently to an artist than to a scientist. An artist cannot help but see more than what meets the eye. She sees the unknown, a paradise, a celestial world that is only visible to her. Sometimes the compositions found in her imaginative interpretations bypass what is found in nature. This blurred line between ‘reality’ and ‘created reality’ is manifested in her practice. Throughout her work, there’s a recurrence of elements which mimics the process of growth by repetition. This repetitive nature of bringing together many components creates a rhythm and facilitates an active trance of intention.
A selection of Erum’s pieces are available to purchase from our online shop – click the link below to see the full collection or scoll down to see our highlights.
Above: Fasciculum II by Erum Aamir, £2,803 – Buy
All of Erum’s pieces are eligible to be purchased with an interest-free Own Art loan. Find out more about the scheme and how to apply here.