Exhibition runs Monday 19 October – Thursday 29 October 2015, 10.30 – 16.00
ALSO: Meet the artists Sunday 25 October 14.00 – 16.00
‘Breath of Air’
For this exhibition eight members of the Merseyside based Re-View Textile group have made work utilising a variety of media, including screen print, hand and machine stitch, felt making and found materials.
Themes of containment, freedom, music, tree canopies, weddings, birds, sky, landscape, figures and camping are all inspired by the exhibition title.
Re-View Textile is a contemporary textile network founded in 2009.
Practitioners who are interested in promoting textiles come together and exchange ideas at informal gatherings on a quarterly basis in Liverpool. The group consists of around 30 members, working in a variety of disciplines including fine art, design, fashion, interior, installations, music, theatre and video.
The group has exhibited in the last two Liverpool Biennials and individually, members show their work in Britain and abroad.
The ‘Breath of Air’ artists are Susan Beck, Sue Boardman, Yvonne Deegan, Jen Fenner, Rosey Paul, Judith Railton, Marion Roberts and Janet Wilkinson
More details: http://reviewtextile.wordpress.com
Twitter @reviewtextile
Instagram #reviewtextile
Visitor’s Centre
Birkenhead Park
CH41 4HD
Tel: 0151 652 3337