ArtHouse: Exploration, Process and Response – Kate Tidmarsh

ArtHouse: Exploration, Process and Response - Kate Tidmarsh


1.8.20 - 29.8.20    
All Day


ArtHouse Gallery
65 Eastbank Street, Southport, PR81EJ, Southport

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ArtHouse, Eastbank Street, Southport

1st – 29th August 2020

Local experimental collagraphic printmaker, Kate Tidmarsh, will be mounting an exciting new exhibition at the ArtHouse Gallery in Eastbank Street of her latest artistic exploitations using her versatile hand printing techniques that includes monoprint, drypoint, lino print and collagraph printing.

Kate explains, “As an artist I use a variety of hand printing methods to explore my love of pattern and colour. I enjoy the practical processes of investigating and problem solving running alongside constructing and creating.”

During the weeks of ‘lockdown’ Kate has also been investigating melting materials to create textured printing plates – which she calls ‘kitchen litho plates’ – by using a recipe of cola, oil and syrup and operating a Dremel rotary power tool to personalize her textured and marbled gelatin plates.

“I work in response to memories or my immediate physical environment. The juxtaposing of hand printed layers using folded, pleated and collage elements enables me to explore light and depth in a practical way.”

Kate began her artistic journey many years ago working as a freelance woven textile designer, designing and selling to the contract furnishing fabric trade. Fast forward (through several careers) to a point in her life when she was eventually able to devote more time to doing what she liked best – exploring and creating with colour.

“Printing, like weaving, has a lot of problem solving and practical considerations, which I have always found satisfying. In parallel with this, I also enjoy the process of developing concepts or ideas, exploring variations and producing work in a series, which printing allows me to do easily.”

Latterly, Kate has been increasingly drawn to documenting the journey she takes when pursuing her ideas through a personal cycle of exploration, process and response.

“The exploration of technique shapes an important part of my work, and I am naturally drawn to documenting this journey. This process is now of equal value to me as the final outcome.”

She adds, “The immediacy of mixing a limited range of inks into a wide variety of colours, combined with exploring a new plate making technique, is my own idea of heaven. I use various relief and intaglio techniques as starting points and then I am very happy to investigate ‘work rounds’ – how to get a given result using materials and equipment that are easily accessible and ready to hand.”

This exclusive month long showing is certainly not one to be missed. Kate’s unique artwork will be on display at the ArtHouse, Eastbank Street from 1st – 29thAugust 2020. The gallery is open Tuesday – Friday 10.00-15.00. Saturday 11.00-16.00.

In line with Government advice, the SCA team have introduced strict measures to keep visitors to the Gallery as safe as possible: There will be a policy of 2 visitors at a time, with social distancing once inside, and hand sanitize dispensers at the door to use on arrival.