Arena Studios and Gallery: Liverpool Crit Group

Arena Studios and Gallery: Liverpool Crit Group


18:00 - 20:00


Arena Studios & Gallery
1st Floor, Elevator Building, 27 Parliament Street, Liverpool, L8 5RN, Liverpool

Event Type

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Liverpool Crit Group, Wednesday 23rd August, 6pm till 8pm, Arena Studios and Gallery.

Liverpool Crit Group is back, with regular meetings across Liverpool. 

Liverpool Crit Group was set up back in 2010 by a group of artists wanting to provide a space for artists and creative types, whether they work in studios or at home, to meet, network and give each other feedback and support.

It has run on and off throughout the years, in varied settings, venues and studios, helping numerous artists meet, get feed back and be part of the Liverpool art scene.

So Liverpool Crit group would like to invite you to the next crit which is Wednesday the 23rd of August at Arena studio from 6pm till 8pm.  You are welcome to participate, bringing work to speak about/ask questions, or you are welcome to come along to just meet fellow artists.

We have a limited number of spaces for people wishing to speak and be asked questions, and are aiming for a maximum of 20 minutes each, so if you would like a slot please email: ASAP to let us know. It will be on a first come first served basis.

You can also follow us on twitter @LpoolCritGroup where we shall be posting details about up and coming crits.

Refreshments will be  provided. If you have got any questions at all please get in touch, we look forward to seeing you there.