…and the River Flows on

...and the River Flows on


27.7.15 - 31.7.15    
13:00 - 16:00

Event Type

‘…and the River flows on’ is a community art project based in Birkenhead during 2015 & 2016. Working in pop-up spaces, and at the Williamson Art Gallery, we’ll also be collaborating with Wirral MIND, the YMCA and Birkenhead Supported Housing.

Exploring the history, communities, industry and environment of the River Mersey the project also focuses on the future regeneration of the area. Our creative explorations will result in a 5 panel installation, with Fine Art metal frames, that celebrates, informs and illuminates. Follow us, contribute and enjoy!

Join a series of free pop-up art workshops with professional artists including painting and mural or come to share the stories of Birkenhead Docks in its hey day. Starting Monday 27 to Friday 31 July in various locations in Birkenhead and Seacombe.

Details of locations: http://andtheriverflowson.tumblr.com/post/123455550375