19:00/20:00/21:00 FREE (Booking Required)
WCS Presents | A special WCS commission by writer/performer Craig Sinclair who will be presenting Bill Is Dead, a short video and performance piece filmed and screened for one night only to a small audience in WCS. The work centres around Bill, a socially excluded individual branded as evil by society; audiences will find his story both testing and disturbing…..There will be three seperate screenings over the course of the evening, with a limited capacity of 16 seats per screening. This is a one-night-only commission, so please book in advance to avoid disappointment.
Event Entry is free, however booking is required.
Please note this event is 18+
Supported by Arts Council England
Please book your seat by emailing your name, required time slot (7pm, 8pm or 9pm) phone number and access requirements to: