Wednesday, January 15, 2025
HomeVenues ArchivesSt George's Hall ArchiveSt George’s Hall: Eugene Ionesco’s ‘The Chairs’

St George’s Hall: Eugene Ionesco’s ‘The Chairs’

unnamed-17 & 8 February

Tickets £8.50 evening/£6.50 matinee

Absurdly comic and philosophical, The Chairs highlights the importance of companionship, imagination and celebrating the simple life.

Tell Tale will bring their experimental edge and energetic ensemble production to Ionesco’s play.

The play revolves around a couple who share everything – every thought and movement. They have lived in their own minds for a life time with nothing new to share other than what has been, what could have been and the glory of life to come. They create a world together, a fantasy.

Traditionally performed as a two hander, Tell Tale will be using their ensemble of 13 actors to tell the story in an energetic and dynamic style which they have become famed for.

With a dynamic mix of art forms including live Bluegrass music, physical theatre, comedy, movement and farce, Tell Tale embark on a new style of production, under a guest Director, Rob Kavanagh.

Concert Room at St George’s Hall, St George’s Place, Liverpool, L1 1JJ

Concert Room entrance via North end (opposite Walker Art Gallery)

Go to or call 0844 8000 410 for bookings 

This project would not be possible without the support of Liverpool City Council. Tell Tale are also really pleased to announce they are winners of the BBC Performing Arts Fund for their Summer 2014 show.

