Saturday 30 April – Saturday 11 June 2016
Merseyside’s historical social campaigner Eleanor Rathbone is to be commemorated in a special exhibition.
Eleanor’s reforms were among the most significant of the last century. 2016 marks the 70th anniversary of her death, and the Wirral’s Rathbone Studio is holding an exhibition of women artists inspired by this most inspirational woman.
The Rathbone studio takes its name from Harold Rathbone, whose world famous Della Robbia pottery designers once occupied the site. His cousin Eleanor was an independent MP for the Granby Ward, Liverpool. She fought passionately for women’s rights. Eleanor also highlighted the dire working conditions of Merseyside dockers, and was the pioneer for the family allowance.
‘Eleanor, an Inspirational Woman’ exhibition is the art work of ten women artists influenced by the life and work of Eleanor Rathbone. The work on show includes paintings, ceramics, poetry and sculpture.
Janet Holmes, owner of The Rathbone Studio, says, “It is wonderful to be part of the ‘Remembering Eleanor Rathbone’ events that are being held locally and in London. Eleanor Rathbone was boundless in her work to improve lives of so many, her legacy certainly changed people’s lives for the good.
The artwork on display shows the extent and diversity of her work. This is a very thought provoking and powerful exhibition.”
Eleanor Rathbone was the first woman to be elected as a member of Liverpool City Council in1909, a position she maintained until 1934. The same year, she published her first book, How the Casual Labourer Lives. She co-founded The Liverpool Women Citizen’s Association to promote women’s involvement in political affairs. At the outbreak of World War I, Rathbone organised The Town Hall Soldiers’ And Sailors’ Families Organisation to support wives and dependants of soldiers. She also foundered The 1918 Club in Liverpool (still meeting at The Adelphi Hotel), is reputedly the oldest women’s forum still meeting. She became a member of parliament in 1929.
The exhibition ‘Eleanor, an Inspirational Woman’ will open on Saturday 30th April and run until Saturday 11th June.
Open Tuesday to Saturday: 2.00pm to 5.00pm
The Rathbone Studio
28 Argyle Street
CH41 6AE
‘Remember Eleanor Rathbone’ events