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HomeVenues ArchivesPhysical Fest 2014 ArchiveLJMU Joe H Makin Drama Centre: ‘Creative Conversation’ – A Physical Fest...

LJMU Joe H Makin Drama Centre: ‘Creative Conversation’ – A Physical Fest Open Debate

unnamed29 May 2014

18.30 – 20.30


How can we push the boundaries of artistic practice in an increasingly risk averse clime?
There is perception that the programming and commissioning of work is increasingly ‘safe’. In a risk-averse climate, how do we protect innovation and experimentation – the bedrock of art form development? How can artists continue to create ‘cutting edge’ work and grow artistically as finance and opportunity shrinks? Is a compromise necessary and if so, how can this be balanced?

A panel consisting of programmers, artistic critics and educationalists will offer provocations to kick –start this informal debate. We are all invited to participate over tea and cake, with an emphasis on learning, problem-solving and making new friends!

Book your place in advance: