Monday, January 20, 2025
HomeVenues ArchivesHomotopia 2014 ArchiveMuseum of Liverpool: April Ashley: Portrait of a Lady

Museum of Liverpool: April Ashley: Portrait of a Lady

April Ashley (c) Ken Walker27 September 2013 – 1 March 2015

Open daily


This unique and ground-breaking year-long exhibition of trans* history places  the previously unseen private archive of April Ashley MBE alongside new oral histories from individuals across the gender spectrum to explore changing social and legal conditions for all British transsexuals. Born in Liverpool in 1935, April, a former Vogue model and actress was one of the first people in the world to undergo pioneering gender reassignment surgery. As one of the most famous transgendered individuals and a tireless campaigner for transgender equality, she is an icon and inspiration to many.

Listen to audio clips and see exhibition preparations at

Part of Homotopia Festival 2013

Part of Homotopia 2014 – download the full programme here