Mersey Basin an Exhibition
1 – 19 March 2010
A cross-disciplinary exhibition bringing together newly commissioned work by 11 UK-based artists – exploring the themes of rising sea level and flooding from a regional perspective, in the broader context of climate change. This exhibition is presented by High Tide.
Aesthetic environmental activism
Sci-art collaborations
Grass roots engagement
Visualised ecological futures
Àgata Alcañiz
James Brady
Stuart Carter
David Haley
Gordon MacLellan
Jacqueline McCormick
Janette Porter
Tim Pugh
Scott Thurston
Elizabeth Willow
Robyn Woolston
High Tide is a unique interdisciplinary artist-led initiative which seeks to nurture a culture of sustainability and eco-logical consideration of our lives in a rapidly changing world.
There is an Events Programme for this exhibition including workshops, talks/tours and lectures. All the events are free, however booking is essential. Call 0151 904 1216.
For full details visit the website: