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HomeVenues ArchivesKazimier ArchiveThe Kazimier: The Surgery

The Kazimier: The Surgery

unnamed20 July 2014

14.30 and 19.30

£5 – Buy now

Washing Line Productions presents The Surgery, a dark farce, which knifes the culture of the nipped, tucked, plucked uber-wealthy who flash the cash.

If you’re the kind of person who has trouble deciding between a trip to the theatre or a night out clubbing, this high-energy performance from Washing Line Productions could be just your thing. In the past, their shows have taken place in launderettes and hairdressers. This one is happening in the bowels of The Kazimier. The Surgery pokes gleeful fun at certain cosmetically groomed wealthy residents. It’s a dark farce that explores unsettling themes about identity and the pressure society places on women to look perfect. Why not book a private consultation with Dr Angapalapagos where he will unveil his brand new procedure that is exclusive to the Surgery: the gold finger.

Watch the trailer here

The Kazimier, Wolstenholme Square, Liverpool