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HomeVenues ArchivesGallery4allarts ArchiveGallery4AllArts Gallery 2 - Susan Ironfield & Reinhard Fuchs

Gallery4AllArts Gallery 2 – Susan Ironfield & Reinhard Fuchs

harmonic-bell-100Susan Ironfield & Reinhard Fuchs
19 June – 18 July 2010

Special Workshop & Exhibition Closing Event: Sunday 18 July, 12 – 17.00
An exhibition featuring Susan Ironfield: “Harmonic and Planetary Images” (Painting) & Reinhard Fuchs: “The World of Spherical Harmonics” (Sound installation)

“Harmonic and Planetary Images”
An exhibition of abstract paintings.

“In 1985, I exhibited at the first National Convention of Poets in the Old Police Station. It is gratifying and also strange to be there again.

The paintings of planets date from about that time, and are exhibited by courtesy of the owner Carol Wadeson.

The harmonical paintings are based on geometric representations of the musical overtone row, and expand into the realms of the Fibonacci sequence of numbers, the Golden Section, and ‘order -in-chaos’. “

At the opening, Susan will read extracts from the recently brought out book, ‘FULL- CIRCLE – Astrological Signs in Verse’, published by Janus, 8.95.

Copies will be available.

“Now for music: I hear a concert created in that hall inside the head. A symphony arches across colossal soulscapes, fens folded ranges, glooms, beams and stars”. You can read more about Susan Ironfield on the Gallery website, under ‘guest artists’.

“The World of Spherical Harmonics”          
Music / Sound Installation

“I am a retired music teacher, Susan´s husband for more than 20 years.

I do researches in computer music from the beginning of the first available computers.

I am a member of The Forumnet IRCAM in Paris.

My musical installation is composed for four speakers. As acoustic material there are just the 32 harmonics, with the fundamental of 65Hz.

So, there is quite a range of the principal harmonics up to 8 x 65 = 520= and the far wider higher range: up to 32 x 65.

Each sinus-harmonic has a different  Attack-Decay-Release shape and is modulated with different volumes.

During the exhibition you will mainly hear randomly short and star-like sounds from the world of harmonics.

Visitors can change the speed by an interface.

When I am around I can show the visitor/ audience much more aspects and give more possibilities to create the personal world of harmonics.”

On Sunday 18th of July there will be a special workshop on the technical side of that performance.

About the artists and works

Venue Details

Susan Ironfield ‘Harmonic Bell’