Modern Contemporary Creatives – Claire McCarthy, Elaine Preece Stanley, Jacqui Chapman
Exhibition: 22 August to 12 October 2008 Contemporary Merseyside artists display innovative works.
Elaine Preece Stanley: Elaine was born and bred in Liverpool and after graduating from Hope University she started her professional life as many artists do exhibiting in local café and bars around her city. Her strong love for her home-town means that she likes to look back on the nostalgia of famous Liverpool architectural landmarks with some of her favourites for her larger canvases being the Liverpool Waterfront and around the Cultural area of Hope street.
Claire McCarthy: After completing a degree and teaching qualification in Liverpool, Claire has focused on ways of depicting the unique atmospheric Liverpool city streets, motions and space. Claire’s perception is of the moods of her environment, which are shown in all her city works that can change from being piercing noise to tranquillity. From these memories, she goes back to her Liverpool studio where her canvas become an ongoing project.
Jacqui Chapman: Jacqui’s work central theme is about memory itself where its mercurial nature is investigated in method, materials and presentation. The use of landscapes remembered from her homeland, South Africa, in a metaphorical language that explores feelings of loss. Mark-making language, surface and the concept that it is impossible to pin memory down, explores the idea that identity and territory are integral to who we are and the meaning this gives acts as bridge to what she need to say.