15 – 26 October 2012
The Sound Agents Mr John J Campbell and Ms Moira Kenny will take up artist residence in The Pagoda for two weeks as part during The Biennial 2012.
The Pagoda Office in Henry Street Liverpool UK will be the base for The Sound Agents to explore cultural identity by bartering their services inclusive of a wide range of disciplines and media including web design, drawing, painting, film and video and photography in exchange for being taught Chinese words and phrases.
If you are Chinese, a Chinese business, of Chinese Heritage or want to know more about The Sound Agents learning Chinese. Drop in or contact ZI Lan to arrange for an exclusive opportunity to learn how to use creativity to think outside of The Office and improve performance.
The residency process and methodology will be documented using film, text and audio. A website will be updated on a daily basis.
Contact: Moira & John 07960302927 or email Thesoundagents@gmx.co.uk to arrange a time to come in.