‘What You See’ A photographic exhibition by Liverpool’s homeless and vulnerably housed population. May 12 to May 24 2008
Location: Kensington Library, Kensington, Liverpool L7 2RJ
Opening Times: Monday 13.00 -19.30, Tuesday 09.00 – 17.00, Wed 13.00 -19.30, Thurs & Fri 09.00 -17.00, Sat 10.00 -16.00
Contact: for more information contact Christian on 07752281386 or the Library on 0151 233 4495
In the winter of 2007 a short photographic course was ran with members of Liverpool’s homeless and vulnerably housed population. The course placed an emphasis on producing photographs openly and frequently that connect in some way to the day-to-day lives of the course participants.
The resulting photographs provide small windows into the everyday lives of the city’s homeless and vulnerably housed – and it is hoped they will act as triggers for debate about homelessness for those who view the exhibition.