Next Loft Space Exhibition … Curated by Jo Derbyshire …
15 April 2007 – 21 April 2007
From New York to Liverpool and Back Again (Femmes du Futur) by Kofi Fosu with collaborations from Dawn Cherie, Carolyn Day and Nadja Hoyer-Booth.
Art … A collection of art by Fosu, which explores, gender,sexual and ethnic politics of concepts of the body, relationships, the artist and the muse in post modern art, society and culture. This is presented in various media of photographic installation of portrait studies from his naive paintings, some of his abstracted figurative studies and digital media recording in collaboration with Dawn Cherie, Carolyn Day and Nadja Hoyer-Booth.
Further information on the upcoming projects at the Loft Space, contact Jo Derbyshire (Curator of Loft Space Project) on or 07946353251. Viewing is by appointment (