Saturday, January 25, 2025

Liverpool Encore at Dot-Art

Pictures by Val Robinson and Martin Jones

Dot-Art’s ‘Liverpool Encore‘ exhibition ends this Friday, 24 April 2009.

You can see some of the works in the various windows along Queen Ave., off Castle Street and the rest in Dot-art’s HQ at No.16.

The work on show, which encompasses painting, drawing and photography; has been selected to highlight the successful artists and events of 2008, but also underline the ongoing energy and cultural activity in the city and continue the momentum generated by our Capital of Culture year.

Artists involved include: Alan McKernan, Faith Bebbington, Jane Adams, Val and Doug Robinson, David Reilly, John Sutherst, Sophie Green, Bev Evans, Colin Hutson, Stephanie De Leng, Stephen Whithead, Susan Aigelsreiter, Ken Lewis, John Ford, Simon Birtall, Richard Pryke, Frank Linnett, Susan Finch, Grahame Ashcroft, Barbara Watterson, Gary Beach, Claire McCarthy, Neil Crawford and Martin Jones.