Liverpool artwork of the week 2009-47. ‘Splashy’ Go-Penguin by Julie Dodd for Hope Street, Liverpool. 22 November 2009 – 10 January 2010.
When the go-penguins were first announced held a competition for artists to submit designs for our own special go-penguin. The competition was won by Julie Dodd and the penguin is now happily situated on Hope Street at the top of Mount Street. This is an ideal place for us as it is very close to our home, its outsdie the former Liverpool Art College and up the road from LIPA which was my old school (when it was the Institute Grammar School).
You can download a blank version of splashy (1.4mb) to colour in if you wish.
Splashy the Penguin
The artist has focused her design upon the art in Liverpool. The city has a strong, diverse artistic presence and Liverpool is lucky to have many outlets for its art to be seen and enjoyed, with its galleries, museum, public art and community art.  Splashy represents a celebration of Liverpool art with its differently shaped and coloured splashes.  But what do the colours mean to you? Colours are associated with emotion, memories, places and can help to set a mood. The splashes have been designed to resemble real splashes but with more a powerful visual impact and each splash has been painted onto the penguin to produce a strong, fun image.
Julie graduated this year from Wirral Metropolitan College witha first class honours degree in fine art. Her work is generally based upon repetition and she develops ideas so they grow into something else, often creating multiples of a design to mimic life, growth, regeneration etc.
Full details of go-penguins here:
You can see photos of them all in our go-penguins gallery