‘Wonderland’ Paintings by Ben Allen at Microzine December 1 2006 – January 31 2007
Once again Microzine have selected works that fit fairly well into the style of the shop on Bold Street, Liverpool.
Ben Allen is a young artist who paints contemporary images in quite a graphic, illustrative style. There’s iconic pop culture, graffiti and cute characters. Some paintings have the whole lot on a swirly background others are very simple outlines on a plain background.
They are bright and colourful acrylic on canvas mostly with some mixed media. Quite a few have that paint dripping effect which I’m sure I’ve mentioned before I really don’t like (although it does work occasionally) but is so, so popular (still).
All for sale at various prices, there are also some limited edition prints available.
You can see more of Ben’s portfolio on his website: