Very nice webpage, I’m enjoying looking through all the short videos.
BBC’s Culture Show is returning on June 3 2008 (Hurrah!) and is inviting people to get involved in this event at St Luke’s this weekend which forms part of the marketing campaign.
Culture Show is re-launching with a massive campaign asking artists, celebrities and the public what is culture…?
BBC Two and The Culture Show are inviting people to get involved and contribute to the debate.
As part of the campaign 25-foot installations are also being set up in London and Liverpool – giant canvasses in which people can come along and express their views on culture.
These installations will become part of the marketing campaign and will be featured across the BBC.
The installations will be at:
Soho Square, London from noon on Thursday 22 May and from 10.00am on Friday 23 May;
St Luke’s Church, Liverpool (part of the Streets Ahead Festival) from noon on Saturday 24 May and from 10.00am on Sunday 25 May.