Tim Brunsden, Moth Man and Tony Knox.
Written by Gaynor Evelyn Sweeney.
Photography © Tim Brunsden (Liverpool Stories)
25 February 2007
The enigma of Moth Man has been seen creeping around the roof tops of Liverpool city centre. An idiosyncratic creature asserted to be created by Tony Knox. However, this rare spectacle of moth-come-man was captured on camera by Tim Brunsden, Artist and Archivist, from Liverpool Stories (liverpoolstories.blogspot.com).
You can view the strange and peculiar escapades of Moth Man at (>> click on image):
Tim Brunsden (Liverpool Stories)
Tony Knox (Artist)
Additional news on Knox …
Due to the expansion of this years programme for Transvoyeur, Tony Knox has returned to the management group and to align his independent creative research to the international objectives in the collective.
For further information on the Transvoyeur Programme 2007.
E-mail: transvoyeuruk@hotmail.co.uk
Website: www.transvoyeur.co.uk