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Three Daily Post Features

Pick up a canvas with your coffee Oct 19 2005

MANY diners are leaving restaurants and bars with a full stomach and a new painting.
By Laura Davis, Daily Post

MOST diners expect to leave a restaurant with a lighter wallet and a fuller stomach. These days, however, as is fitting for a designated capital of culture, they might find themselves with an original painting under one arm, as Liverpool restaurant and bar owners catch on to the French custom of selling art works from their walls….


Portrait of Merseyside – past and present Oct 18 2005

A BRILLIANT artist plans to capture the spirit and character of Merseyside in 100 portraits of today’s people and an epic canvas of our past.
By David Charters, Daily Post

THE artist himself has a modest manner and his voice is as soft as a cat on a carpet, but within him there swells enough talent to hang the walls of grand galleries with the faces of people who have in some way illuminated his life.

When he is finished, there will be 100 of these faces, all from Merseyside.

And they will be Tony Brown’s own hall of fame to be formally unveiled in 2007 when Liverpool celebrates the 800th anniversary of its Royal Charter being granted by King John….


A cultural challenge Oct 20 2005

LAURA Davis meets the woman determined to make sure Capital of Culture year offers something for everyone

WHEN Liverpool’s Capital of Culture bid team unveiled its slogan as “The World in One City”, among the applause and nods of approval there were a few raised eyebrows.

For although the city is unarguably ethnically diverse – with Europe’s longest-standing Chinese community and the UK’s oldest black community – this is a fact that is often easy to forget.
Liverpool’s black community is invisible even though we are the longest established in the country,” says Kim Johnson, who took on the role in August. “I spent a long time working in Manchester and you see lots of different communities there when you walk through the city centre. It’s not the same here but it’s improving slowly….