THURSDAY 15 July 2010 18.30 – 20.30 at Blackburne House. Debate: ‘Body image and the media and how it affects young adults’
Chaired by Roger Phillips this event is open to the public and promises to be an inspirational and thought provoking evening. Call 0151 709 4356 or email
As Blackburne House host Stephanie de Leng’s ‘Body Landscapes’ from 4 July – 31 August.
A free evening of thought provoking debate and discussion. All welcome and young adults are especially encouraged to attend.
Panel: Leanne Best – Actress
Joanna Jones – Bananafish Management Casting Agency
Katy Gardener – General Practitioner
Carl Jones – Facial PLastic Surgeon
Penny Hudson – Primary School Teacher
Visit for live streaming of the event.