National Museums Liverpool Blog – Volunteers Stop the Press!.
From the NML Blog
Since October 2010, a small group of youth volunteers have been meeting weekly to help put together the first National Museums Liverpool volunteer newsletter.
They each took on different roles; carrying out interviews, reviewing exhibitions and putting together stories that would feature in the newsletter.
The group also worked alongside Michelle Fiddler, a journalist from the Liverpool Echo who has helped mentor the volunteers throughout the project; sharing her background and experiences with them.
We hope to have the first edition of our newsletter out very soon and we can exclusively reveal its title will be ‘Volunteers In Print’. There will be lots of stories and opportunities to publicise what our brilliant volunteers get up to both front of house and behind the scenes, so it should hopefully make for a fun and informative read!
The Volunteers Team are always looking for volunteer stories to publish on the blog and also now within forthcoming newsletters, so if you volunteer with us and wish to publicise what you get up to whilst volunteering – please give us a shout.
And finally, big thanks to our newsletter volunteers: Ashley, Charlotte, Emily, Hannah, Hasan, Roz and Stephen for their time and creative journalistic skills.
If you wish to find out more about volunteering at National Museums Liverpool, please contact the Volunteer Team.
You can also find out more about Youth Volunteering on the vinspired website or the volunteering section on our website.