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‘Mongolian Invasion Day’ Assistance Needed

Mongolian Invasion
By ulaanbaanjo

Reading the unfortunate news that Liverpool’s Culture Company have cancelled this year’s Mathew Street Festival three weeks before it was due to take place (will artists still get paid, I wonder? Presumably the paying of musicians is one of the smaller expenses of the event anyhow), leads me to buck up spirits on Merseyside by rashly making the premature announcement of my own ill-planned musical/cultural event: please mark Saturday May 3rd 2008 in your diaries as ‘Mongolian Invasion Day’.

I haven’t yet ironed out all the details (funding, licensing, etc) but I do have an artist booked – the incomparable Tserendavaa, one of the most highly respected performers of khoomei throat-singing in all Mongolia. My good, gallic friend, ethnomusicologist Johanni Curtet, has arranged a tour for Tserendavaa and his son in France for the early summer, and they’ve agreed to come over and perform for the people of Liverpool.

There may be workshops – for the curious I’m told that it is possible for some people to pick up the basics of khoomei in a couple of hours. I am also persuing contacts with Mongolian artists and dancers currently based in the UK – if I can get hold of a couple of ger then we’ll set up in Sefton Park for a day or perhaps longer. By coincidence, 2008 will be the 100th anniversary of Marzan Sharav’s “One Day in Mongolia” painting – I think I can borrow a high quality reproduction from a friend to exhibit for the day.

There could even be buuz for those who like Mongolian cuisine, and barbecue for those (like me) who like the idea of Mongolian cuisine. Furthermore, in a spirit of utter philanthropism, it’s my wish to make this a free event providing I can secure the sponsorship/funding to pay the artists (and get them to Liverpool from France). Any offers of assistance with the event should be directed to me at – particularly if you have a spare ger, bactarian camel, leverage with the Palm House or lactating mares. More details to follow.