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Modern and Contemporary Art Consortium – Update


Modern and Contemporary Art Consortium

Liverpool Biennial, Formby High School and Range High School have been continuing to develop MaCAC, a Creative Partnerships Merseyside project, as a programme of professional development for the teachers.

The project feeds into current priorities for the schools. Research has explored ways in which the stimulus of International 06, can be replicated in the school environment. The Biennial’s Learning and Inclusion Programme provided resources to support an activity day within each school. For Range High the focus was on looking at ways to stimulate pupils to explore their built environment and Formby High focused on exploring new sonic mediums and animation to record a day at school.

Work from the International 06 was exhibited throughout the day in and outside of the school’s buildings. Pupils were encouraged to look and look again at their everyday environment and question their relationship to it.

MaCAC (Modern and Contemporary Art Consortium) asks ‘By collaborating as cultural organisations with teachers, can we develop a model to increase the use and profile of modern and contemporary arts for teaching and learning for creativity and cultural enrichment across the curriculum?’