Merseyside Maritime Museum: SAFE@SEIZED!
28 – 29 April
A free weekend of thought-provoking and fun activities aimed at raising awareness of personal safety and wellbeing takes place this Saturday and Sunday 28 and 29 April 2012 at MerseysideMaritime Museum.
Safe@Seized! gives everyone a chance to experience the award-winning, issue-based education programme delivered by Seized! UK Border Agency National Museum.
Family-friendly activities, running between12 noon and 1600 hours both days, include:
- Beer goggle challenge: Put on a special pair of goggles which impair vision and graphically demonstrate what it’s like to drink too much alcohol. Visitors are challenged to guide a remotely-controlled toy car around cones and build a plastic pyramid while wearing the goggles.
- Circus skills workshop: Get fit and healthy with traditional Big Top techniques such as stilt-walking and juggling.
- Merseyside Police Armed Response Squad (subject to availability): A demonstration showing how officers protect the public from violent crime (over 11s only).
- Dr Duncan’s Disgusting Diseases: Learn about the horrible diseases that were common in the 19th century before public health measures were improved. Dr William Duncan (1805 – 1863) was Liverpool’s – andBritain’s – first Medical Officer of Health.
- Rummage activity: Take on a Customs officer’s role rummaging to find hidden packages which may contain illegal drugs and contraband.
- Chinese dance performance workshop: Learn the traditional moves and steps that can enhance health and wellbeing.
- Drugs box display: Containing simulated drugs and illegal substances targeted by Customs officers and police.
The Give Blood Campaign, Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation and What’s Yours? alcohol awareness campaign will also be present during the weekend.
Joyce Parr, Seized! education manager, says: ”These activities are linked to the displays in the Seized! gallery. They encourage visitors to make safe choices and to consider risks. We use a combination of serious interactive talks and fun activities in order to raise awareness and share these important messages with as wide an audience as possible.”