Our Story Liverpool is a community history project managed by the unitytheatre and supported by the Heritage Lottery Fund.
We aim to uncover, record and archive the experiences of the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered) community of Liverpool.
The history of lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, and transgendered people (sometimes characterised as queer history) has been largely ignored and unrecorded. What little history that has been gathered in England has focused mostly on London.
Our Story Liverpool aims to uncover and record the experiences of LGBT people in Liverpool to help set the records straight!
A social history of Liverpool is not complete without the experiences of all Liverpool’s communities.
By recording oral histories and running reminiscence workshops we aim to capture the first hand accounts of LGBT people. We will then use the recordings and written memories to create a new piece of drama, an exhibition, a CD and booklet so that as many people as possible can have access to the history we uncover.
We want you to take part – tell us your story, encourage your friends to get involved.
Contact Us
and we will tell you how you can participate.