I’ll try not to reproduce everything thats on the Independents website but I should point out that there is now a forum where you can add news, discus plans etc.
Here’s some news from the forum about the online-only listings and Aug 22nd ‘deadline’
Although I obviously like online listings, one advantage being that you can keep them up-to-date (hopefully) I must say I’m disappointed that there’ll be no printed version during the Biennial.
350,000 visited the last Biennial and they all wandered round the city clutching their little orange guides. This years guide will not include details of the Independents.
I hope the online listings will at least be printable, then galleries/artists can print and distribute some.
Monday 21st Aug we will be publishing details of how to submit details to the Independents Biennial on-line catalogues.
The Independents on-line catalogue of artists and events will be the most inclusive and up to date catalogue. A final paper catalogue will only be published at the end of the festival.
When will the final deadline for submitting details to the online catalogue be? Is it still August 22nd? Are requests for further details being sent out yet to those selected from the August 4th preliminary deadline?
There is no deadline for the on-line catalogue, it will simply roll.
The Aug 22nd deadline is a separate issue aimed at clarifying venues and participants, where they could be matched up or any special requirement etc.