(Photos by Tony Knox.)
About a hundred artists attended the meeting last night at Static with the new Creative Facilitator for the Independents, John Brady. He started with a quick overview of the Biennial structure and went on to explain why he feels the order of the words is important. Hence ‘Independents Biennial Liverpool‘. It then becomes easier to envisage an Independents Biennial Glasgow for instance then maybe an Independents Biennale Veince, Sydney etc.
DIY is important, i.e. Do It Yourself. The Creative Facilitator is here to Advise or Broker, to Develop Audiences and to ensure Critical Scrutiny, he is not here to provide funds or find venues or recommend any artist for funding etc.
There will be a none-selective listings publication of some sort, the Deadline is August 15th. It will be distributed locally by TEAM and artists can also send out copies to their own mailing lists.
The website will include daily updates (we’ll see)
There will be a catalogue published after the Biennial following critical scrutiny of the exhibitions and a selection process.
There is still no Independents Board, there have been 4 nominations and more are sought.
Contact details:
The Blade Building
67 Greenland Street
L1 0BY
tel. ++44 (0)797 661 0581
More information including the templates from this meeting will be on the website in due course.
Artists are encouraged to send details of their plans via email.
There were a few announcements:
Contact Gaynor Sweeney for latest details of the Transvoyeur International project transvoyeuruk@hotmail.co.uk
Contact Dorrie Halliday for details of The Gang (of digital artists) meeting at 3345 Parr St on alternate Mondays, next one is July 3rd. ItsDorrie@aol.com
And Tony Knox is performing as Mothman during the St Helens Arts Festival on Saturday July 8th at 14.00 in Church St., St Helens.