You need to email Mike Noon if you wish to attend, the limit is 150 artists.
See full details below…
Liverpool Independents catch-up meeting
The Unity Theatre, 1 Hope Place, Liverpool on March 31st between 2pm and 4pm.
Those wishing to attend need to send an e-mail with the phrase “Liverpool Independents Information” in the title and their name included in the body of the message to . If they do this they will be automatically registered as an attendee (up to 150 artists can attend) and will be added to an electronic mailing list in order to receive future updates.
The two main agenda items will be
Arts Council Funding for Individual Artists to show work during the Biennial Independents
Support for Artists before, during and after the Biennial Independents.
Further information will be sent out via e-mail, or tabled on the day of the meeting. The agenda will be circulated in advance.
Please pass this information on to any interested colleagues.