Artists have started sharing news of their Independents Biennial programmes ahead of the launch in July, and one of biggest, set to open alongside the launch of Biennial season is a long the riverrun. The exhibition of eleven of the city’s leading artists will take over the ground floor of the former George Henry Lee’s I Liverpool City Centre.
One of Liverpool’s best loved buildings, and some of the region’s best loved artists offer a unique snapshot of modern figurative and abstract painting in Liverpool.
It is a perfect example of what happens in Liverpool every two years. Liverpool Biennial and Independents Biennial foster an energy like nothing else, a challenge to the people of Liverpool to discover a world of art they don’t know yet. Whether that’s artists visiting from abroad, doing the biennale circuit of the world, or local artists who take the chance and make something great happen, Biennial season in Liverpool is something to behold. So much so that it’s not even happening for a month, and we’re already going on about it.
The first exhibition to be fully announced is a long the river run, curated by Paul Mellor and John Elcock, which will see eleven artists, including two John Moore’s Painting Prize exhibitors, Pete Clarke (currently in the running for JMPP 2018) and Cherie Grist (shortlisted for JMPP in 2010).
The exhibition takes its title from the opening and closing lines of James Joyce’s Finnegan’s Wake, referencing the variety in their work, but the common sense of endeavour, both playful and serious which ties them together.
Having had the pleasure of seeing the artists in their exhibition space, I can safely say it is an exhibition not to be missed, and one that will be packed for the opening weeks of the Biennials.
Alongside the exhibition, in the adjacent St John’s Market, there will be a rolling programme of exhibitions and events between July 14th and October 28th,
profiling emerging and established artists with links to the Liverpool City Region, working directly with stall holders, customers and audiences who walk through the door, with exhibition guides, workshops, film screenings and pop-up shops working alongside the existing market as part of a festival which aims to give everyone in the city a voice
The festival will also see multiple public art trails around the region, in parks, gardens and lived-in space, with a newly announced Writer-in-Residence position, to work with artists and organisations on new creative work.
Independents Biennial 2018 will connect with its audience, new and old, for its entire duration, whether through conversation, or exhibitions like a long the river run which show Liverpool’s artists off at their very best, in locations we can usually only dream of seeing occupied by art.
Independents Biennial runs 14 July – 28 October 2018
a long the river runs 14 – 29 July