Liverpool artist David Jacques is one of several excellent artists in this Biennial exhibition in Norwich.
EASTinternational 2009
Raster Gallery and Art & Language
Exhibition preview
Saturday 11 July 5-8pm
2.30 to 4.30pm admission free.
NUCA Duke Street Lecture Theatre
Speakers Lukasz Gorczyca & Michal Kaczynski Raster, Michael Baldwin & Mel Ramsden Art & Language,
John Roberts Reader in Fine Art Wolverhampton University,
John Russell and Barbara Walker EAST09 artists. Chair Lynda Morris EAST Curator.
Monday 13 July – Saturday 22 August
Open Monday to Saturday 10-5pm
EASTinternational Norwich University College of the Arts
Francis House  3-7 Redwell Street  Norwich NR2 4SN UK